We know you have questions about your student’s transition to life at Carthage. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers.

How do I address mail to my student?

Students who receive packages or letters will receive an email with directions on how to pick them up. To send a letter or package to your student, address it the following way:

Student name
Carthage College
2001 Alford Park Drive
Residence hall and room number
Kenosha, WI 53140

Where can my student send Amazon packages?

Students who order from Amazon have the option to send their packages to our Amazon hub locker system, Phil. To do this, students must select “Find a Pickup Location” and search for Phil using the Carthage address during checkout. Students will receive an email from Amazon with instructions on how to retrieve their package once it’s arrived.

Though Phil is a convenient way to ship Amazon packages to campus, it is not the only way. Packages can be addressed like normal, and they will be processed through the Student Mailroom.

For more information regarding letters and packages, please visit the Campus Services website. Questions? Contact the Student Mailroom at studentmailroom@joker47.net.

Where can I park when visiting my student?

There are a number of designated visitor parking spots in the following lots:

  • Posted spaces across from Lentz Hall
  • Marked spaces in South Upper Lot
  • All of South Lower Lot (during resident hall visitation hours)

See parking lot map
Learn more about Carthage’s parking policies

How can my student register a guest and their vehicle?

Students must register guests in the Office of Public Safety. All guests are issued a guest pass from the Office of Public Safety and may be required to show proof of identification/guest passes upon the request of a campus public safety officer or college personnel.

Temporary parking permits are available for guests of students for overnight parking. These permits are available for up to three days per the College’s guest policy and can be obtained from the Office of Public Safety. Learn more 

Where can my student get a temporary parking permit for a short period to use the family vehicle?

Residential students who do not have a parking permit may register a temporary vehicle for up to 14 days with the purchase of a temporary parking permit. Temporary permits are available through the Office of Public Safety. Students can only purchase two temporary permits in an academic year. Any student vehicle that will be on campus longer than fourteen days during any academic year must purchase and display a regular parking permit.

What is the shuttle schedule?

Carthage offers free shuttle rides to different campus facilities and off-campus parking lots during the school year. Our shuttle services provide reliable transportation to help students, faculty, staff, and guests get where they need to go! Learn more about our shuttle services

Where can I learn more about Carthage Dining?

You can learn all about Carthage dining by visiting the Parkhurst Dining website.

How does my student get Birdie Bucks and/or add money to their Birdie Bucks?

Students put Birdie Bucks (money) on their Carthage ID card to use at on-campus eateries, in the Carthage bookstore, and at select off-campus establishments. Students can manage their Birdie Bucks 24/7 using their smartphone or laptop. Birdie Bucks does not replace meal points.

Birdie Bucks can be added through the GET Funds website with a debit or credit card, or with cash or check in the Office of Student Financial Services.

Learn more

How can I send my student a care package?

Send your student a care package for any occasion — a wake-up call, an all-nighter, or a student pizza break — through the From Home, With Love Program. Just place your order, and the recipient will be notified via email to pick up their care package at the dining hall.

How can my student get involved in campus activities?

With more than 130 student organizations active on campus, students have the opportunity to explore many different interests, from sailing to cosplay to improv comedy. Each fall, Carthage hosts an Involvement Fair where students can mingle with members of more than 100 student organizations and learn how to get involved.
Learn more about clubs and orgs on campus 

When is New Member Recruitment for fraternities and sororities?

Carthage fraternities and sororities recruit new members every fall and spring, however, recruitment is only open to students with second-semester freshman or higher status. First-semester freshmen are not eligible to join a social fraternity or sorority in the fall semester but can participate in Spring Recruitment in February.
Learn more about Carthage’s Greek Life

What resources are available to prepare my student for their career? Carthage’s new Aspire Program™ is a comprehensive four-year career preparation program for all Carthage students. The new program blends existing and new resources to create a comprehensive career development plan from their first days on campus.
Learn more about The Aspire Program™

What counseling resources are available for students?

The Carthage Health and Counseling Center assists students in addressing physical, mental, and emotional well-being. All services are free and confidential.

How do I know my student will be safe on campus?

The Office of Public Safety is committed to keeping our campus safe, peaceful, and well-organized. The Office of Public Safety operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Officers provide parking lot shuttle service, event management support, event security, parking and traffic control, and building security. In addition, officers are trained in first aid, CPR, and the use of Automatic External Defibrillators. Learn more about Public Safety 

Where is the Office of Public Safety located and how can my student contact Public Safety if needed?

The Office of Public Safety is located in the lower level of Johnson Hall (see campus map). Safety officers can be contacted by calling 262-551-5911 or by using one of the Blue Light Telephones around campus.
Learn more about Blue Light Telephones 

How can my student sign up for emergency notifications?

Carthage students must update their emergency contact information and preferred method of communication in Workday. To set up their emergency contact information, students must log in to Workday, select “Personal Information,” and then “Emergency Contacts.” Campus alerts are sent when there is a threat to the campus community, or when a message needs to be communicated to the entire community quickly.

Where does my student report a maintenance concern?

Students can submit a maintenance request at any time at ssscjh.joker47.net/maintenance. Carthage maintenance staff will always respect student privacy and belongings. Unless it is an emergency, maintenance staff will not enter residence hall rooms before 9:30 a.m., and staff will always knock loudly and announce themselves before entering a room. Maintenance staff may need to enter a room to fulfill a maintenance request when the student is not present.

Is there a fax machine my student can use if needed?

Students have access to a fax machine in the campus mailroom. The mailroom is open 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday in Lentz Hall 103 (lower level). Faxing costs $1 per page in the U.S., and $3 per page for international deliveries.