Joy Mast
Professor Joy Mast teaches courses in forest ecology, soil science, geology, biogeography, field methods, and geographic information science. She earned her B.S. in both geography and zoology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and her M.S and Ph.D. in geography from the University of Colorado-Boulder. She was a tenured associate professor at Northern Arizona University before her Carthage appointment.
Among her current research projects, Prof. Mast is studying forest disturbances in the Southwest related to crown fires, insect epidemics, and severe droughts. She has garnered numerous federal research grants for her work. Her prior research has been published in a number of professional journals, including the Journal of Biogeography, Professional Geographer, and Ecological Applications. She was an associate editor for the international research journal Plant Ecology, served on the editorial board of both the Annals of the Association of American Geographers, and currently serves on the editorial board of the journal Physical Geography. She has served as president of the Association of American Geographers Biogeography Specialty Group, and was the editor of their publication “The Biogeographer.”
Prof. Mast runs the Dendroecology Research Lab at Carthage. She joined the Carthage faculty in 2002.
- Ph.D., M.S. — Geography, University of Colorado-Boulder
- B.S. — Geography, Zoology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- GEO 1600 Earth Revealed
- GEO 1610 Introduction to Geographic Information Science (GIS)
- GEO 1900 Geology of the National Parks
- GEO 2450 Biogeography
- GEO 2950 Geomorphology
- GEO 3400 Forest Ecology
- GEO 3800 Soil Science
- GEO 3900 Methods of Field Research
- GEO 4000 Senior Seminar in Geography
“Integrating Geoscience, Remote Sensing, and GIS for Undergraduate Teaching and Research”, NASA. $24,000 (1-year grant). Geoscience Lead, Matt Zorn, PI.
“CaNOP”, CubeSat Consortium: Canopy Near-IR Observing Program. NASA. $200,000 (2-year grant). Science Team Lead, Kevin Crosby PI.
“The Biogeography of Forest Change: Drought and Crown Fire in ponderosa pine forests of the American Southwest”, National Science Foundation Award #BCS-0751715, $191,954.
“Biogeographical impacts on cavity-nesting birds in Arizona”, National Science Foundation, Award #BCS-0616334, $132,757
“Using dead wood as monitoring indicators for wildlife habitat”, Bureau of Land Management, $69,834
“The fate of ponderosa pine forests decades after intense crown fire”, Southwest Fire Initiative, $63,324
“Biocomplexity 2: The effects of global change on community structure, biodiversity and ecosystem-level processes in piñon-juniper woodlands”, National Science Foundation, $99,181