Skylar Farr

Skylar Farr
Class Year
Kenosha, Wis.
Skylar Farr ’26, a recipient of the Academic Honors Award and the Endowed Scholar Award, is able to explore their varied interests at Carthage as a major in physics with a minor in music. They worked as a volunteer for the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium’s First Nations Launch and is a member of the Carthage Treble Choir.
explore carthage’s space science program
Why Carthage?
“I choose Carthage for a couple of reasons. One major reason was the small campus and how close it was to home. Another reason I was really attracted to Carthage was the amazing STEM program they have and the close relationship with NASA. I am a physics major with a concentration in astrophysics, so Carthage’s relationship with NASA and other companies who are STEM and physics centered assured me that I would have many awesome opportunities all four years that would prepare me for when I graduate.”
Faculty mentors
“The Carthage faculty have consistently tried to be helpful and understanding. All of my advisors have reached out to me when they thought I needed help, and they are super flexible when it comes to wanting to meet or discuss any issues you are having with anything. I have a good relationship with my advisors and professors, and that is so easy with the small class size.”
Favorite class
“So far, my favorite class has been my Introduction to Physics class. I made a ton of friends with similar interests and majors, and my professor in that class was very funny and easy to learn from. I am now in clubs with the friends I made in that class, and I will hopefully continue to be in classes with them because we have similar majors.”
Toughest class
“So far, my toughest class has been Calculus I. I am a physics major, so I am almost automatically a math minor, and it’s interesting because I am good at physics math, but I really struggle with calculus. I do a lot better with math when I have real-world applications and solutions which physics provides.”
Campus involvement
“I am involved in the Society of Physics Students, the Microgravity project PROTO, the Rock Climbing Club, and Planned Parenthood Generation Action. I hope to be able to join more clubs next semester, but I really enjoyed being a part of these clubs this semester.”
Internships or campus employment
“This summer, I am going to be a part of the Carthage Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE), and I will be working with the Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium (WSGC) on one of Carthage’s Microgravity Teams.”
Career goal
“As of right now, I do not have an official career plan, but I am considering the possibility of continuing to study and research physics and go for my Ph.D. in something physics related.”
Favorite spot on campus
“I think my favorite spot on campus is either the basement of the Hedberg Library by the big windows or in David A. Straz Jr. Center on the lakeside by the windows. I really like the bright spots with lots of windows.”
Favorite memory
“I love bingo nights. So many people come to bingo, and I love to be able to go with my friends. We always bring snacks for our table, and we chat and just have a great time. I also love when Carthage has destress activities the week before finals because they bring in therapy dogs for you to pet, and it’s probably the only good thing about finals.”
Biggest surprise
“My biggest surprise so far has probably been how small this school actually is. Coming into Carthage, I was worried about not getting to know anyone or having trouble adjusting and making friends. I was lucky and adjusted pretty quickly, and I made a few good friends. Even now, at the end of this second semester, there are still people that I know that I didn’t know my friends knew, and we keep expanding our group, and it’s great.”
What would your 8-year-old self think of you now?
“I think my 8-year-old self would think I am a little scary but super cool. I think 8-year-old me would want to be friends with me now. I think she would be surprised I didn’t become a rockstar (not actual rock, though), but I think she would still be impressed that I get to learn about stars and space and I get to sing while learning about music. She would also be jealous that I can climb things for fun whenever I want (because I am in the rock-climbing club).”