Kevin Krause

Kevin Krause
Class Year
Current home
Indianapolis, Ind.
Computer Science
Current Position
Associate Consultant at Appirio
Kevin Krause graduated from Carthage in 2018 with a degree in computer science. He now works for Appirio in Indianapolis, Ind., as an associate consultant. In this role, Mr. Krause helps build software to connect two different platforms, services, or environments. He works with clients to understand their business problems and determines what technological solution is best for their needs.
While at Carthage, Mr. Krause participated in the SURE program in 2016, where he worked with chemistry professor Kevin Morris to answer the question: “In which regions of amino-acid based polymers do certain beta-blockers, or heart medications, most strongly interact and why?”
Mr. Krause was on the Dean’s List most semesters, was a member of Alpha Lambda Delta honor society, and graduated Summa Cum Laude.
What have you enjoyed most about your career?
“I’ve enjoyed the challenge, responsibility, and rewards that real life brings. Sometimes the hours are long, sometimes short; sometimes the work is easy, and sometimes I feel like it couldn’t get any harder. Things are constantly changing, and that’s what makes it so fun.”
How did Carthage prepare you?
“Consulting isn’t entirely coding. You have to constantly communicate your needs and your results to your team and to the client you’re working with. You also need to understand the backgrounds of the people you work with and the culture they might inadvertently bring to the table.
“My computer science classes were essential and have made me into a ‘Swiss Army knife’ for the technological needs of my clients — other classes have helped develop my soft skills. Altogether, I really could not have been better prepared to start this role.
“Professors Mark Mahoney and Perry Kivolowitz in the Computer Science Department are phenomenal. They were incredibly patient in helping me with assignments and were constantly reminding us how these skills will apply to real life. Getting industry insights from them have been extremely helpful. Carthage is so lucky to have them.”
How has your liberal arts education benefited you?
“My current and very first project is moving extraordinarily quickly. I’ve also been put into a role that most entry-level consultants wouldn’t be given since there is a tremendous amount of communication needed across several teams — the business analysts, the quality assurance engineers, the developers, and more. There is so much information to convey back and forth between these people, and it’s important to give them the information they need without overloading them with needless detail.
“This requires me to think harder about what the other teams need, take the information I have, and turn it into something useful for them. It’s similar to writing a paper where you need to be succinct but thorough on your subject.”
Tips for current Carthage students?
“Never be afraid to ask questions. Ask for help, but only after you’ve given your best effort. Get involved and try to meet as many people as possible. It’s okay to mess up. The more effort you invest in your education, the more you’ll benefit from it later! Have some fun while you’re at it.”